Off to Antwerp :) Laundry Day 2016 here we come!
/After spending several days in Amsterdam and having an amazing time, we felt as though things may only go downhill from there - and weren't we wrong! One of the most beautiful small cities and cultures we've had the pleasure of coming across thus far. Immediately getting of the midnight train, we were greeted by a group of local guys who were hanging out inside the train station passing around beers and vodka. They insisted on the two of us having some and making small talk, so naturally we did as we needed to let our phones charge a little bit since they were dead and we needed to find directions to our AirBnb. Here we got to see how they viewed America as they'd never been before. It was as if you were to combine every American film into, they'd quote movies such as the godfather and pretend as though they had valley girl accents. One of the shining moments of Belgium for sure.
Good Luck!
Here is the cool airbnb we stayed at in Antwerp...It's the thinnest rental you can find and runs 4 stories up... Trust me everyone will think you're the after party even if you're not!
Waking up to one of the most gorgeous small cities you can imagine!
Laundry Day 2016! What we anticipated to be pretty crazy, turned out to be semi chill compared to a lot of festivals we've been to over the years. I must say...very very dirty to Music Festival standards -_-